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Anchor 2

Zer0 (Jeremiah)

Jeremiah, the youngest member of UnMasked, shares his talents as a rapper but is also a huge fan of Rock and Metal.  Growing up surrounded by music, he lists some of his favorite artists to include Thousand Foot Krutch, KB, Demon Hunter, Andy Mineo, Red, Breaking Benjamin, Family Force 5, and Canon.  All of these, and countless others, help create the unique style he brings to the team.  His energetic stage presence and comfort on stage can only be attributed to God’s design. 

In addition to music, he is fascinated with the solving of Rubik’s style puzzles.  He owns a large variety of cubes, of many different styles and sizes; creating patterns in (not just solving) the cubes in a constant attempt to be faster every time.  If you spend any time with him at all, you will find him spinning a cube almost absent-mindedly.

Unmasked has become a way of life for him, and sharing that life with others has become his mission.  “quote”


              Romo (Josh)

Josh is by far the most quiet member of UnMasked, but his contribution speaks volumes.  You have to pay attention, but he has a wit that is just as skilled as his art.  He pours himself into everything he does, not putting anything but his whole-hearted best into where God has called him.  Musically, his inspirations range from Red and Demon Hunter to Into The Flood.  He finds his niche parsing live music with a hip-hop beat.  Vocally, he adds the piece to UnMasked that helps them separate themselves from so many others in the genre.

His true passion in music, music, and music.  Outside of that, he likes to find himself away from the technology:  camping, outdoor life, fishing, swimming, shooting, those are the things that you will find him wrapped up in (providing you can untangle him from his guitar). 

UnMasked truly has impacted him in his own life, and carried him to places he had never been.  Traveling does have its down-side for Josh however…  In a recent interview, when asked about what (if any) the down side of being in UnMasked might be for him, his response was simply “cramped car spaces…”

M (Jeff)

 Hey, my name is Jeff. grew up a skater/surfer bum in Palm Coast, FL nearly my whole life and was blessed with two God fearing parents who raised me up in a Christ-centered way. I was home schooled along with my five other siblings and whenever the Bible could be incorporated in my school, my mom would use it. We would read the Bible for our reading, writing, history, and so forth so I was blessed with a good amount of knowledge on what the Bible said. Despite that firm foundation, I adopted bad influences due to the people I chose to surround myself with. I started living for myself in High School. Amazingly, God has brought me out of my past life, forgiven my sin and opened many doors for me to share the Gospel and be a lighthouse for Christ.

     I moved to Keystone Heights in July 2015 because God showed me His plan for my life to be a missionary pilot, and He opened the door for me to attend a new college where I am training to go to the mission field as a pilot to serve wherever and whenever I'm needed. It was during my time in Keystone that I got involved with Unmasked as a drummer for the live performances; but I love making music and I thought it would be a good opportunity to be able to speak to and help other people. Once I joined the band and played my first show, it became apparent to me that during the time I'm going to school this is what God wants me to be doing.

    I have been transformed by the blood of Christ, and I make it my mission to share with people the same joy and peace and forgiveness with others. I don't know what the next step is in my life, but for now I'm just following the lead of the spirit and trusting that He has a plan for my life. 

   "I'm not who I want to be;

I'm not who I should be

But still - I'm not who I was and 

by the grace of God, I am who I am"

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